Journey Day 95 | PCT Day 95
Up along the Pacific Crest, the strings of peaks passed were best appreciated.
Up. Candy bar and vitamin for breakfast. Endless switchbacks down after an interesting ridge crossing. Dropped about 3,000 feet through various zones.
Into town. Talk with Good Sam clubbers, then make my way to Belden Town, a family owned business. Keith in the phone booth. I drop my pack, head into the store. Graham crackers and coffee. Talk with miner-mining engineer Chuck, about to finish his degree. Spends his summers diving in the Feather River, its environs, for placer gold.
Apparently another miner was ripped off of a $1,500 dredge. All the miners are up in arms. Keith and I sit on porch, drink coffee. Register review. Log entry. Keith and I have words, he leaves. but we’re not mad.
I talk long with Mom. Phone goes out. I pack, talk with a couple from Reno. One last run through the store, then across the road and up the trail. Pass father and son. Talk. Find note from Keith, he’d been detained by a family with Old Milwaukee.
Hot hike up past cabin as creeks crash below. Tired, I come upon a day hiking group. Old guy tells me of creek ahead. I get my gallon, hike on.
Creeks abounding as I struggle over them with my water-weighted pack. Couldn’t send back my extras. Finally give up at nice camp spot. Creek nearby. I bathe, wash socks in freezing agua.
Back at spot, I munch big time on varied foods. No tent despite some mosquitoes, threat of rain. More animals at the edge of the woods, creek as I bed down. See eyes by flashlight, but no more.