Journey Day 94 | PCT Day 94
Astraddle a rock in mountains along the Pacific Crest Trail.
From spot on ridge just shy of Lookout Rock, I eat a big breakfast as mosquitoes buzz and bite. Off as the sun hits the ridge. Hike past spring. Fears of no water premature. More climbing, make Lookout Rock, which would have made a good camp. But I had a leisurely day and feeling stronger this morning. From rock, drop down through forest to road junction. Book talks of shortcut which I make long cut by taking wrong road. But only a slight error, easily corrected. Couple in 4-wheeler reassure me it’s right, but I stumble around a bit before finding a jeep road that intersects my trail.
Soon after hitting trail, come upon weirdest group to date. Goats, dogs, kids of all ages, strange woman with a knife (and a shotgun according to Keith). All in makeshift camp near stream, animals tied to trees right by bank. Lady cooking too close to creek.
Ask her about Keith and one girl tells me Eric is ahead. Keith passed the night before. She’s too young to be smoking. This was one strange crew! The lady asks me if Keith or Eric ripped me off. Then asks me not to steal their packs up the trail.
Feeling uneasy I walk on, come up on Eric who says he’s tired. Been walking at a PCT pace for about a week. Pass him, walk through woods, mazanita and chaparral which we’re in again at lower elevations.
Come out at wrong place, looking for trail to Bucks Summit. After determining it’s not down, I’m walking up when I see Eric at crest of summit. Yell to him to locate trail. He’s found it, but misleading elaborate marker has him confused. I’m sure it’s a road and used to confusing arrows on markers.
Hiking up hot switchbacks on old road to Spanish Peak through chaparral when realize Bucks Summit was no more than a high point on the road to the lodge. So I’m farther than I thought for a change. Up I go on a hot climb without shade. Much water, four quarts, as books says none for 12.4 miles. But twice cross creeks, stopping for lunch the second time.
Flies drive me on after eating. Up, up, more climbing to ridge advertising trail to Spanish Peak. From here a nice hike with views of Spanish Peak, far off ranges, lake below Spanish Peak, Silver Lake. Through forests alternating with rock and chaparral, I walk along ridge of Spanish Peak. Then across to Mt. Pleasant.
Making good time. I’m back in logged forest, headed for creek. Past headwaters, find sleeping Lankbomb (Keith). I thought he’d be further ahead. Apparently tired from last days’ rigors. We talk of Eric, weird group, trail behind and ahead. To call Reinker. Prospective meeting unlikely.
Then on to water. 1st fill-up dirty, but make 2nd stop for better farther down the creek. Bad bowels. Hopefully nothing serious…
More hiking. Keith goes ahead. I hear cracking in woods as I fight with mosquitoes. Look over, nothing. A few steps and I hear a threatening noise. Look over to see bear cub 15 feet off the ground hanging from a tree.
Fascinating. He’s hanging there, apparently unsure what to do. I look, then pull out camera, fire off shots. One of Mother! I realize my danger. She steps away, then looks back with paws up on a large log.
I quickly depart. What a rush! Mother looked to be talking the cub down. Soon after, come upon Keith talking with Rhode Island girl, AT vet (Wanda Kurdzeil) whose already hiked Castella north to Canada. She had a run-in with the bear. Has decided to back off, camp back down the trail.
She’s been ripped off of all her gear. Through a backpacker newsletter gets loaner gear from guy she’s never met. She was ripped off in Castella where we’re headed.
We exchange knowledge of trail in both directions, b.s., She’s English David Swanston’s trail sweetheart from the AT. Missed him on the PCT, she says he was under a bridge.
We’re off, Keith says he’s pushing ahead. I opt for climb from water away from mosquitoes. Hike up to spot where it appears trail beginning to drop, pitch and eat. About 22 miles! Into town tomorrow…