Journey Day 64 | PCT Day 64
Made our goal, John Muir Trail Hut, Muir Pass
From a spot near the bottom of the Golden Staircase, Keith and I head for the 4th and last pass we must cross before picking up more food at the trail ranch. A little hut dedicated to John Muir is our goal.
Multi-fords early. We keep on tennis shoes, save time and energy. We hike up Kings River to a cross at the bridge near Bishop Pass. Take a long break. After short showers of rain, we hike on toward the pass. Thinking it earlier, we learn from another hiker it’s 3:30 and Jeff is a couple hours ahead. He hiked ahead while I was lost near Mather Pass.
Harder still Keith and I hike up through wet, streams, path as creek, past beautiful lakes and waterfalls. Struggling with time vs. making the pass. Getting tired, feet wet, we climb to Lake Helen (named for a Muir daughter) Struggling across rocks, snow fields, Keith stays on the trail. It runs through snow, creeks, over rocks. Jeff’s footprints help, but snow wet and cold. Finally find switchbacks up to the pass. We climb straight up through inclined snowfield to the pass, Muir hut. Jeff inside asleep from climb. We talk awhile, but relaxation turns quickly to sleep.
We made our goal, a stone hut erected in 1931 in Muir’s memory. First night inside since Mojave, but still mucho rustic.