Journey Day 63 | PCT Day 63
Snowmelt fed creeks complicating creek crossings in the High Sierra
Another first thing in the morning ford. I go to tennis shoes, Keith, Jeff, cross in boots, move on while I switch. At the next ford, Jeff hands me an ice axe to steady me. I fall in. Keith runs for my runaway stick. Again I’m upset. Keith scared by the stick rescue. Jeff hikes on, Keith and I argue, agree to separate after the Sierras.
Up we go to our 4th pass, Mather. Moving well across creek fords separately. I catch Jeff at one, he leaves. Keith comes up, fords farther down the creek. I hike on alone. Lose trail in snow and rocks. Walk on, hoping to find it. But went east when I should have gone west, badly lost. Climb up ridge, around to lake, think is in book. Haplessly try to use compass, map, but have wrong pass.
Snowfields, rocks, one fall later, I decide to climb the ridge I hope leads to the trail. After climb, realize there’s no trail, used wrong lake for orientation. Decide to head west from lake, as book shows it meet the trail. Up over snowy ridge, hear yells. It’s Jeff from the correct pass. Climb up to find Keith. Relieved we climb up snowy ridge to the pass. Dry boots, then down through more snow, rocks.
Feet soaked, we make our way to the trail. We’ve resolved to split after the Sierras. I’m a bit worried about finding my own way, but must learn to or I don’t belong out here.
Climb above Palisades Lake, down Golden Staircase. Camp near bottom of switchbacks near raging creek. Keith and I relax, then crash. A long hard day. Need to make Muir Trail Camp for more food.