Journey Day 65 | PCT Day 65
Snow rushing off the High Sierras swelled cascading, rocky creeks.
Slowly up in Muir hut. After short talk, breakfast, we head out, Jeff slightly ahead down pass across rocks, through snow. Meet lone hiker going the other way. John Muir Trail is most peopled section so far. Tough going, but following Jeff and Keith’s path, I make it down pass and down to lower lakes.
From Sapphire Lake, we hike down to Colby Meadow break spot after multi-fords. Off again, encounter several hikers. Pretty woman turns my head. Leave Evolution Creek for San Joaquin. Dropping we make good miles, but never catch Jeff.
Terrain changes as we head for new food and hot springs at John Muir Trail Ranch. Crash near a thundering river, update journal, Good night.
Note: Sierras seem like hiking along a corridor, occasionally climbing over the corridor into another. Amazing mountain ranges, so close together, make for intense changes in weather, flora, fauna, climate.
Today we went from snowy pass above timberline to snowy, wet lower elevations with lakes to lower elevations with more lakes, some vegetation and water running everywhere delighting the bug population.
Down further to meadows, lodgepole pine, more dropping to rocks, rushing stream ford of Evolution Creek at high water. Then to another water body, rushing San Joaquin. From rocks to overgrown bushes. Then more rocks among forest bordering mad river. So many changes in one day.