Journey Day 456 | CDT Day 119

Tommy and Billy were young hunters from Minneapolis.


Hike down road to highway, first turn wrong way, then backtrack and spot Colorado Trail shortcut that leads me to Pine Creek Road and Tommy and Billy. Two young hunters from Minneapolis, they video me. We talk, they take me to their camp for a meal, beers, etc, more fuel.

Tommy and Billy drove me to their campsite where we watched the Caddyshack movie before I rejoined the trail.

Watch Caddyshack on their VCR before heading back onto the trail. Hike up, follow Colorado Trail and miss springs to quench my intense thirst. Hike down, pass hunters who tell me the others are ahead. So hike to Lost Creek, last water for eight miles and camp under the stars agog at my day.

Luciana Diehl

Graphic & Web Designer based in Brooklyn - NYC

Journey Day 455 | CDT Day 118


Journey Day 457 | CDT Day 120