Journey Day 334 | AT Day 157
Rainbow Lake, Mt. Katahdin in the background.
Cook the mussels I pulled out of Nahmakanta Lake for a great breakfast. Then on with Michael P., Alfie and Seaweed, feverish for Katahdin, the big mountain at the end of the trail. Nice views of Nahmakanta, then Nesuntabunt Mountain, the last mountain before the end. Check out Crescent Pond, take a swim in an emerald pool on Pollywog Stream. Nice hike up to Rainbow Stream Lean-to, a beautiful spot. Many farewells in the shelter register. Over to Rainbow Lake with the gang. Alfie and Seaweed push on past bubbling Rainbow Spring where Michael P. and I camp for the night.
We eat a leisurely three-course meal, noodle dinner, chili and pudding. We’re mellow, no more Katahdin fever. No-see-ums force us inside our tents where we continue our conversation. I also update my journal. Loons and tunes in the darkness. Crash, but awaken about midnight and continue conversation from our tents, excited again about the approaching end.