Journey Day 315 | AT Day 138
The Bemis Range offered excellent views.
Mike from PA out of the shelter first. Then I’m up into the Bemis Range. I stop and enjoy the sun on the first open ledge. Ed from CT passes, amazed as I laze, read Thoreau. Hike across the range descending peaks, all with open ledges with great views and berries. Mooselookmeguntic Lake, Long Pond area. Eventually make my way down to Bemis Stream, where I take a munch break and write a letter to Grama in an excellent setting.
Long, Pond, Maine, in 1986.
Climbing back up from the stream, pass a girl taking a break. It turns out to be Wanda Kurdziel, who I’d met on the Pacific Crest Trail. We talk long, then I push on up to Maine 17. I cross, knowing Robie Hensley, a hiker I’d met in Virginia, is up ahead. I decide to stop at the Sabbath Day Pond Lean-to, but worried about food supplies.
I solve my food problems by bumming food off day hikers. Big munch, then hike on, pass more day hikers, hike the steps down to Long Pond.
Bob “Clark 165” Novick and Austin “Mr. Bubble” Kennedy catch, then pass me. Leaches on Long Pond turn me off. I hike on to the shelter. Talk with Robie, Bob, Austin. Crash realizing Robie still snores!