Journey Day 284 | AT Day 107
Jack prepares for freezing night after an introduction to Winslow Homer at a museum in Williamstown.
Eat, work for breakfast, free lodging! Bid farewell, hike down to the shelter and trail register in wet, slippery, puddly, rainy trail. Then on to Luce Road, into Williamstown. We eat Bascom cakes, call on local contact who isn’t home. Get directions from two young girls to the Clark Museum, taken to museum by a young boarding school graduate. Inside great art, strange looks from some of the other guests, but who cares. Jack was introduced to Winslow Homer. Cold from the air conditioning, we get coffee, a snack, hike through town, up Pine Cobble Trail. Climb to the Cobbles, meet the Appalachian Trail. Jack and I take photos in the fog, then we push on. Rain hits hard, puddles become continuous. We make Seth Warner Shelter, pitch in bivy tent inside shelter, soaked and cold. Eat and crash to my solar radio.