Journey Day 272 | AT Day 95
Crossing the Hudson River on the Bear Mountain Bridge.
Up early, push to Bear Mountain to make dinner at Graymoor Monastery. Grueling ups and downs. Startle weekend tourists in the zoo area. Hike down into Fort Montgomery, catch a ride from a former A.T. hiker, a Methodist minister named Tom Vencuss. He takes me back to the bridge. I decide to walk roads to make time.
Across the Bear Mountain Bridge, down the road. It’s hot, but I keep on hiking to a store. Determine I took a long cut, so I can change my mind. There’s a downpour. I walk into a garage. Mom, kids talk, tell me of supposed A.T. Take me there, but hours and worry later, I’m still not at the trail. Walk the ridge road north. After expectations of sleeping lost, find my way down to the trail. My strap snaps, I hike to Damian Lisotta’s.
After beers, he drives me to Graymoor. Father Busco sets me up. I eat cheese sandwiches and pastry, crash in the monastery.