Journey Day 223 | AT Day 46
I relaxed with Linda and Stan Foster outside the Holy Family Hostel. {Photo by Jack Mallory)
Up early again. Nice hike, except no energy in heat and humidity. Often break through woods in heat. Finally to Docs Nob Shelter. Stan and Linda leaving as I get there. I push on, very tired by the heat. Make overlook. On to the rocks at Angel’s Rest, where I rest. Jack shows up, we push to the road as rain hits. Too little rain. Hit road, Jack and I hit DQ. Outside we talk with three old folks. Say no to ride, begin hike through Pearisburg cq. Oldsters pass again, lady insists we take a ride. After a short tour we’re at the Holy Family Hostel. Stan and Linda, Robie, Jack, David and I plus Lamont Lieffers, trail maintenance boss, headed south.
Shower divine. Great spot. Eat pizza at Pizza Hut with the gang, ride by Father James MacGee, who I mistook for a taxi driver. Big meal, cute waitress. Laundry, bar for a beer. Taxi back to hostel. Read, talk late into the night, enjoy old journal entries.