Journey Day 211 | AT Day 34
Wild ponies grazed as we hiked the Grayson Highlands.
Up at 6 a.m., we hike hard through the Taylor Valley, across bridges and a high trestle. Back on the AT, we walk up Whitetop Mountain, take a break on Buzzard Rock, push past scale, enjoying our Insane (JanSport) D-2 persona. To Deep Gap Shelter. We find Andy. Push up Mt. Rogers, lost several times, lose temper, getting tired, push on over scenic Wilburn Ridge. On down past wild ponies into Grayson Highlands State Park.
Down road into campground, meet “Red” Freddie.
Learn it’s $7 to stay in campground. Shower as “outlaws” makes a long day (27 miles) seem alright. About to bivouac in the bathroom when “Red” Freddie shows up and we move on out to the road and crash.