Journey Day 166 | PCT Day 166
Keith Jones enjoying the Glacier Range, Washington.
Up refreshed, eat hot cereal, then make a break for Stevens Pass. Keith and Jeff pass me as I take off warm clothes on last climb. Hike on past lakes, then under powerlines warning of civilization. Down the ridge to the pass.
No ranger, but hand-outs make for a nice welcome. We head over to closed ski area. Just as I relax, Jeff says the ranger is back.
We get boxes from ranger station, begin hectic packing. Finish, as people stop, give us good food.
Jeff hikes on. Keith and I end up crashing in walkway into ranger residence.
Ranger Glen Katzenberger has lived in the residence since 1958. He says the PCT is less popular than in the past. This year we're among about 15 who've done the whole trail to this point.
Up too late, I write, read, talk with Keith. Crash... Tomorrow we head back out.