Journey Day 139 | PCT Day 139
I rested amid lava, then hiked through a crater out of the Three Sisters Wilderness.
Use JL’s alarm to arise at 5:30. Cold breakfast and I leave him soaked, but with a ride out. Hike cold out to McKenzie Pass. Hike with couple from Portland and my first trail cat.
After pictures, I rest amid lava. Hike through a crater across loose rocks. Meet a couple near the crest. Then Michael, a southbound PCTer like Gerry Curry, who I met while still hiking with JL.
PCT grapevine goes into action. He fuels my emptied energy tank with talk of dinner, Father Andrew and Chuck at the Santiam Lodge ahead. Take shortcut which leads me to a dead-end. A three-wheeling family aims me in the right direction. I trudge down, finally hit glorious lodge. 25-26-mile record.
Just in time for dinner. I pig out. Shower, talk too late over coffee, homemade cinnamon rolls. Alice and Bob Patterson, managers and great hosts. But this place is in its last days. I hike in last. They’re off today and hike. Will reopen for short time, before permanently closing in November.
Interesting crew includes Portland couple walking across America, Bob Bagley and Deb Deming. Father Andrew, Chuck and a priest who’ll walk with them to the Columbia River.
Can’t sleep. Hang wet gear in bathroom. Lay awake ‘til sleep comes. Amazing how wet misery turns quickly to warm security.