Journey Day 124 | PCT Day 124
Steam rises from an Oregon lake.
Up early, I eat cold to save fuel, stove hassle. Gear wet from night's rain. Dragging, but I hike across gross Grizzly Creek. Logging abounds as I stop for water at spring near exit from BLM land. Register on way out!
Hike on to 3082, where eat, resolve to go to Lake of the Woods resort. I save a mile by hiking the road rather than the trail. Dead Indian Highway, last yards bushwhacked. Take 4th dump, hopefully no problems.
Few cars pass as I hike down shoulder of paved road. Glad to be out of boring, logged area. At road to east shore, talk with college guy. Take break, push on to resort past Girl Scout camp, cabins, campground. Lady, girl in store incompetent. Hit restaurant for 4-month dinner. Big munch goes down quick. Hit store too.
On way out, pretty girl knows my quest, wishes me luck. Hike through woods to US Forest Service sites. Find one, read "Black Elk Speaks," eat crackers and milk until fatigue comes.