Journey Day 107 | PCT Day 107

Milt Kenney was Castella’s PCT patron.

Milt Kenney was Castella’s PCT patron.


Hike on early. All food gone. Down slopes, Find Jeff. Pass, he passes me, we hike down to Old Count Road, a long downhill. Follow past park spots. Eat roadside berries as walking by. Crossing bridge, twins catch up.

Head to post office in Castella. Find note, get boxes. Eat, head to campsite with Milt Kenney, Castella’s PCT patron. He drives me and the twins to the campground, we check in, then to Dave and Keith’s site.

But Dave’s already gone. I’m bummed. Eric is heading off to the coast as I sit and ponder. Up to site, drink vodka, grapefruit juice and set up camp, very tired.

Head into town with Milt and Mike. Boot repairs, Burger Barn, pretty mother-daughter combo. Back at camp stuffed, I rest, then organize.

Official PCT site draws visitors, including Glen Minyard, a Humboldt guy with musical talent. Talk long with a San Jose couple who work in the Silicon Valley, near shower. Clean, I make my way back to camp. Put stuff together, eat. Party with the twins, Keith and Jeff. Matt heads to town for “Goonies”.

Enjoy music show. Rap, party with Minyard, his girlfriend. Crash late in tent. Learn David Swanston quit the trail. Amazing the toll this trail takes.

Luciana Diehl

Graphic & Web Designer based in Brooklyn - NYC

Journey Day 106 | PCT Day 106


Journey Day 108 | PCT Day 108