Journey Day 104 | PCT Day 104

Logging operations sometimes obscured the trail.

Logging operations sometimes obscured the trail.


While almost asleep, hike down to Red Mountain Road. Described junction logged over.  Trail nowhere to be found. Several “falls starts” lead nowhere or to hard falls. So take logging road despite scary time yesterday.

Hike, watching to see road heads north, See deer, water, but no trail. Looking ahead see where path should be. Stay on road, but uncertainty builds.

Again it’s Jeff. He’s just starting the day and is at the trail junction. We hike down, stop for break, discuss logging, as we lay in a logged area. Then on across ridge, headed for Bartle Gap. Along ridge, in and out of trees, across rocks.

Lose trail temporarily in marshy ravine, then on to spring by Moosehead Creek, where we get water for the night. More climbing and views. Take break at Tate Creek Road with Jeff after descending on brushy trail, tree down trips me to the ground. Hike across ridge into a logged forest. Cross apparent Alder Creek Trail, but push on from logged area.

Out again closer to Grizzly Peak. Camp under tree along ridge as clouds gather. Jeff shows, we both camp on ridge. I tarp up luckily. Rain hits, but remain pretty dry. Sleep restless…


Luciana Diehl

Graphic & Web Designer based in Brooklyn - NYC

Journey Day 103 | PCT Day 103


Journey Day 105 | PCT Day 105