Journey Day 313 | AT Day 136
The weather broke, revealing views back to New Hampshire and ahead in Maine.
More bad weather seemingly ever since northern Massachusetts. Pass on a side trail up Old Speck Mountain, hike down to Grafton Notch. Busy with people, but I push on to the shelter. Watch Austin from Ga. dash in as the rain starts. Climb up the Baldpates for nice views back to the White Mountains in New Hampshire, as well as up ahead in Maine.
Weather clears. It’s sunny!!! Hike on down, meeting a Boy Scout leader I met near Montebello, Va., at the Frye Notch Shelter. After a break, hike on to Dunn Notch and Dunn Falls. Then on to Surplus Pond as darkness hits. Cook, eat in tent to beat the bugs. Crash after a big day…