Journey Day 92 | PCT Day 92
Fouled lake, logging along Pacific Crest Trail.
I’m last out from spot. Find Keith and Eric at point where trail dies. We sit, study compass, maps. Decide to hike on ridge. Follow flags, then drop down. Keith cuts hand, we stop. I find trail temporarily. But we end up with tough bushwhack along Nelson Creek. Finally cross, find campsite in meadow.
About to “grasswhack” when I suggest site means trail nearby. We climb a little, find it and walk on ‘til near jeep road. Catch Keith and Eric, take break. Keith off, says he’ll be camping at Black Rock Creek Road. Eric off as I go for water.
Hike on, catch Eric on Mt. Etna ridge. He’s off, then I’m along. I’m running slow, but keep going after short breaks. Scenery average, but nice rolling mountains when visible.
Too much logging brings me down. Hot hiking. Stop for water with Eric just ahead. Lose him as I take road down to detour.
Take a short break, but long bushwhack took too long. Off again, hope to catch Keith as he left note this was our three-month anniversary. Never catch him, but hard hiking catches Eric just after Chimney Rock.
Mostly through logging, ends at road. No Keith, massive logging destruction. Take wrong road to water. Take water from pool. Boil for dinner. Pig out as darkness hits. Crash. Hard to sleep on path, branches breaking nearby.