Journey Day 91 | PCT Day 91
View from Sierra Buttes Lookout.
Low on water, I hike to lookout with a candy bar for breakfast. Somehow get off the trail, end up at old mine near paved road. So hike back, find sign from night before. Hike up rough climb to spot where PCT hits jeep road.
Drop pack, don tennis shoes and up the road. Much climbing, but eventually to the top. Nice peaceful lookout with no attendants.
Back down to pack where find note, papers from Keith. Hike on across Packer Saddle in search of water. None found on circular switchbacking up and down hike through more logging. Stop at Summit Lake, but it’s no more than a stagnant pond, and I pass despite my increasing thirst.
As I walk along, after shunning lake, jeep with two couples drives by. They give me a quart. Shortly find Keith crashed. We talk, agree to camp together. I hike on again.
Find spring after ridge past Long Lake, Mt. Elwell, where I take much water, sugar to power my feet.
Onward, but rush stop as sugar powered a shit. Then onward across ridges to saddle. No trail, as book stated, but footprints show Keith and Eric. Follow prints, my nose to another saddle. I think our meeting point, “a tree,” but it’s not.
Down jeep road again, I find Eric and Keith waiting at sign by intersection. We resolve to take other trail, “proposed PCT,” though we’re unsure it’s completed. Fine trail, but I’m carrying 10 pounds of water from the spring, so I’m impatient. But there are no camp spots.
End up near top of ridge in saddle. Eric off a ways. Keith and I together. We talk better than in much time. Bill’s birthday! Keith’s going to push 20 miles/day for a while, but I’m not in such a rush.