Journey Day 76 | PCT Day 76
Trail leading to Smedberg Lake, California.
Mosquitoes come with the sun. We head out of camp and climb up to Bensen Pass, a sweaty trudge that seemingly never ends.
Lunch on top interrupted by bugs again. Mosquitoes bugged us all the way up to the pass.
Pretty views of canyons, peaks ahead abandoned for movement to discourage vampire bugs.
Hike down to Smedberg Lake. Eric leads us in a naked dip. Then back to the trail. Hiking down to a creek as bugs continue to pester us. Break leaves Jeff, Keith behind. Eric and I hike down, cross several creeks. Bugs worsen as we walk through overgrown areas. We begin to climb to our second pass of the day.
Eric not used to pace, distance. As he sets to rest, bugs drive him on. Hot, hard climb mirrors last pass. Climb on to rocks where we break. Jeff shows, we get water. Hike up to pass, which was nearby our break spot.
Quick pitch and we’re all in Keith’s tent. Deer walks by unconcerned by our presence. Crowded in a tent, we wait for the mosquitoes to find other prey. Hunger sends us back out. Mosquitoes less pestilent. Cook dinner. Crash. 16.5 miles in one day, including two passes. Eric held up well, though he claimed fever as we crashed. A lot of hot miles for the uninitiated.