Journey Day 72 | PCT Day 72
Tuolumne Meadows, John Muir Trail, California, June 26, 1985
Bugs usher us from our spot above Thousand Island Lake. I invent a new morning breakfast delight, heated water in morning cereal. From site we climb over Island Pass, as Todd Wilkinson said, without the sign it was indistinguishable from several other ridges passed over that morning before dropping to Rush Creek.
Mosquitoes, rocks disrupt my assault on Donahue Pass. I end up wandering off the trail while swatting at bloodsuckers. Last up to the top. I eat, take nice seat looking into Tuolumne Meadows. Hike down as we encounter more and more day hikers. Jill having trouble with her cheap pack.
Finally I grow tired of stop, bolt ahead. On last switchbacks, pass several weekend hikers drained by their attempts. I recalled when I was one of those unconditioned souls. Walking long and hard along this long meadow, which at times resembles a golf course. As I walk I hear noises of Keith behind. Stop to wait. After some time, the twins, Keith and Jill appear. We hike a short while to campsite.
Large group. Jill uncomfortably only girl. We get crude, talk, eat, laugh. Bonfire Eades style. We sit and relax. Bearbag, luckily I eat megafood: dinner, gorp, chocolate milk, popcorn, pudding, peanut butter and crackers. Jeff Sauer arrives last.
Crash as night gets late. Bear hits about 12:30. Almost gets our food. instead a large, broken branch is all that remains when I stumble over. Matt Eades ran over and said the bear stood, before running off. Excitement lasts only a moment. We’re all back in bed.