Journey Day 70 | PCT Day 70
Backpackers outside Meadow Grill, Red’s Meadow, California.
Up early to a cold morning, we eat, bolt down to Red’s Meadow. Down, up, around rocky ridge, then through more forest. At crossing of creek, meet David Becker, who does trail maintenance for the government, also a cross country ski instructor. We talk, drink coffee.
Head back out to Red’s Meadow. Finally make it to the area. As we pass the Rainbow Falls trail, megatourist rush. As we walk toward the resort-store-café, people ask about our destination.
Hit café with over-priced cheeseburger plate and pie for $5.65. With remaining $4.35, I hit store. Emerge with candy bars, a huge bag of potato chips. Talk sports with an Angeleno family outside. Make phone calls. Mary seems uninterested. It was fun while it lasted.
Two John Muir Trail hikers, John Selzer and Todd Wilkinson of Ridgecrest, California, show up burnt from the trail. They’re also low on money. We talk, exchange tales. They just graduated from high school the night before they left. Head down to hot springs. Keith lost his stick, stays back to look for it.
Put hot springs off in favor of shower, 1st in a month. Keith off after girl doing the John Muir Trail alone. She’s camped the same place.
With most of the day gone, we decided to stay the night. Big munch, then trout from next-site neighbors. The guy is a Sierras expert.
Eat trout from Jill, end up collecting wood, rapping around the fire. Crash…