Journey Day 68 | PCT Day 68
Alaskan lawyer pauses to take it all in.
Up late as crashing buffers other sounds. Off to the pass but ankle hurts, no motivation. Relaxed again, although limping, we hike on up. Keith behind me, trying to keep going for the miles.
Meet a couple, exchange pleasantries. Then on up, Keith behind me as I make Silver Pass. Rest, munch at the top. Hiking down snow, meet a guy coming up. Talk, then limp on sorer ankle down, keeping to the path through the snow.
More people as I make my way past glacial lakes, trees, rocks, down to Fish Creek cutoff as Keith catches up, after lingering at the top. He stays at junction, while I walk down next to creek. Pass tent of fabled girl hiking the John Muir Trail alone. Pass without a word as she reads in her tent.
Wade across creek. Hike alone through dense forest mostly downhill. After some miles with still sore ankle, stop at a nice site by the creek. Mosquitoes pester me again. My legs, forehead are covered with bites. Start fire, throw bear bag rope. Cook on grate over pit. Time passes. Keith arrives late having talked with girl who’d camped with Jeff.
Fire not quite able to boil water. Relaxed we realize the bear bag rope also not right. Keith redoes. My first try after megamisfires also failed. Eventually we remedy and crash.
PCT: Only club with a six month rush period “Hell six months.”
Father Andrew: The kind of man religion needs to get back in the game.