Journey Day 463 | CDT Day 126
I enjoyed great views of Rio Grande Pyramid, hiking along the Continental Divide in Colorado.
Up early and clad, thanks to hunters. Sun continues. Good trail, but I lose it in deep snow, choose wrong gulch and, seeing hunters above, drop down Starvation Gulch along the Rio Grande unknowingly. Game trails become trail, steep through woods, I lose it in a blowdown. Bushwhack through aspens, rugged bushwhack along rocks and ridge before descending steeply by a feeder through heavy timber and deadfall. Fall in, ford the Rio Grande. Climb around on ridge again. Misread map. Thoroughly confused, wondering when the ridge will drop down when I spot a road.
After a bouldery descent, down to find it's Timber Hill Road. I've gone almost in a circle. Push down Rio Grande Valley. Pass Lost Creek Trail, notice a Carl print. At small campground, break with a Minneapolis hunter group, hold court, eat. Most leave. I talk long with a young guy before hiking off to catch the others "two hours ahead."
Beautiful views to Ringer Mountain, Rio Grande Pyramid I've bypassed. Figure options, hike hard down a dry reservoir road, pass truck hunting duo. No luck getting replacement orange vest for the one I lost bushwhacking. Hit campground at dusk, no luck finding the others, get Rio Grande in the dark, cook, pitch, crash.