Journey Day 445 | CDT Day 108
Kokomo Pass, 1987.
Last day of September, frosted tent. Shake it off, down the trail, after disturbing disassembly that comes with cold mornings. Hike for warmth up valley to beauteous basin, then windy climb to Searle Pass,down ridge, around basin, up again, spot Molybdenum Stamp Mine as head to Kokomo Pass. Break at creek nearby, eat rest of ham and drink up before descent steeply down to Camp Hale area. Like back in Wyoming, boring ridges, but soon back in woods, above highway to Tennessee Pass.
Cross back over, follow old railroad grade, up to cross country ski trail that carries me to pass. Talk with elderly Florida man, apparently miss trail. Confused by direction, disappearance of wide trail, markings. Hike up, down, around, decide on road by Ski Cooper, which soon dies out, follow railroad ala Walkin' Jim Stoltz.
Decide to camp off to side, pick spot in pines, find broom standing against the tree, perhaps used by hobos. Pitch, cook, gather water from creek in view of the highway, noting signs of others. Take rock to bed in case they come during the night. Crash with lights from the tracks, one train during the night.