Journey Day 406 | CDT Day 69
Boulder and Farson were a drastic change from the snowy highlands of Wyoming.
Up early, but lay back, still get off early. One lake, but preoccupied with food, mail ahead. So push down quickly to trail junction, around Meeks Lake, through meadow, trail that takes me to the lodge. In back door, talk to Carol from Nebraska, other workers. Get mail, cup of coffee. Talk, realize low on food and cash. Weigh alternatives over Carol's breakfast, large and good.
Decide to go to town, especially when visitors agree to take me. Nice guy from Green River on his first vacation in 10 years with his son advises me. Take me to Boulder, little more than a store at a road. Arrange change of address with postmistress, back in vehicle down to Farson, now in hot plains away from the Winds. After looking for town's owner, my friend takes off. I take a room down the road, shower, then back to the store for a half-gallon of ice cream and cookies on my Visa due to my cash shortage. Back at room, watch some TV, organize. Back for laundry, call Mom, Leonard's mom. Get clothes, treat myself to cheeseburger and fries, six pack. Back at room, more TV, including Saturday Night Live, letter writing.
“I had a giant breakfast at the end of my hike to the lodge this morning. Since then, I’ve polished off a half gallon of ice cream (a recent gluttonous display I’ve made a habit), some cookies and a cheeseburger and fries. Sitting at my bedside is a loaf of bread, peanut butter and jelly, half gallon of milk and Oreos – in case I get hungry,” I tell Grama in a letter from my room in Farson, Wyoming.
Trouble with beers, update past two days, wondering about the rest of Wyoming, the future. I'm mentally tired.
“Part of my adherence to my hiking pace stems from my desire to move ahead more quickly, partly to finish sooner if possible, but more to have an earlier time frame for hiking in southern Colorado, where snow could end my trek,” I explained in the letter to Grama.