Journey Day 405 | CDT Day 68
With regrets, I hiked out of the Winds.
Up from excellent spot on North Fork Lake, pass sign identifying lake. Push down to Pipestone Lakes in cold, decide to take breakfast at the outlet. Good munch, push on as it clears, then clouds up. More lakes, amazing high meadow. Notice, then meet group from Raid Lake. Hike up, take lunch in rock garden by nice creek flowing through rocks. Again it clouds, so hike on. Never get energy, drag even after second freeze-dried lunch (Yesterday's provided a big burst!) Climb from high meadow to bid farewell to the Winds and mountains to the north. Up to a high plateau, photos like mad with excellent views of wonderland to the Cirque of the Towers.
Hiking through the Winds in 1987.
“For four days, I was at or above 10,000 feet in a fairyland of high lakes, bouldery landscapes all beneath endless strings of rocky, cragged mountain peaks,” I wrote in a letter to Grama.
After gaze at skyline, drop down and avoid ford of East Fork River with log and rocks. Climb back to the ridge, past lake and untalkative couple. Push on as skies that've teetered all day seem even darker. Through meadow with a camper by creek to Dad's Lake. Rocky trailside, look for spot. Find by creek. Pitch, cook quickly. Darkness and rain, just as I'm ready. Eat, clean in tent. Crash burnt from day without energy. No update til Farson.
Glacial sheets hanging from the Wind River ridges in 1987.