Journey Day 397 | CDT Day 60
I enjoyed the long-distance view from Lower Brooks Lake.
A chilly beginning again after night two of Mouse Wars. I may even have carried the rodent from North Fork Meadows. A two fig breakfast and I'm down the trail. Meadows, mud-bogged horse trails. I hike to Lower Brooks Lake, enjoying the long-distance view, but neglecting to follow the guidebook route around the right side of the lake. I find myself climbing to a road, the one into the forest service development. Long walk around, several vehicles pass me. A short ride up to the lodge road. The wife caretaker is just leaving, she gives me my box (I'm expecting more). I get her to let me use the phone, she's off to work, leaving me with her husband's parents. Bad calls to Clark 165 (Bob Novick from the A.T.), Campmor rep, Gregory a pain. That through, I walk down to the campground, looking for a ride to Dubois. My food supply is insufficient. No luck, but get fuel from a Miller driver from Chicago. Eat, organize, decide to walk the road to Togotwee Pass. Leave note for the others, surprising mother-in-law when no one answered the door.
Hike up road, nice views to the Winds, nearby cliffs, but rain threatens. Hit pass, no luck at picnic area, but at pass I catch a ride with a Vegas desk clerk, who stops for gas on the way down. I get two pounds of cookies and an ice cream sandwich.
Have him drop me in town. I find Jack's box, two letters at the post office, where the ladies are nice. Down to the chamber of commerce for hotel information, little help on that, but a Wyoming map. On down to the Branding Iron for my first private room in two months. Lounge, shower, enjoy TV, watch Winchester 73, an old Jimmy Stewart western, before hiking down for prime rib feast and beers with a country band at the Ramshorn Inn. Talk with the members, touring from Indiana and Mississippi. Too many beers. I can't take "Rock n Roll Never Forgets Again", so I head back to the room and crash.