Journey Day 395 | CDT Day 58
I forded the Snake River multiple times in 1987.
My first day alone on the CDT ends without incident. An early rise and delaying breakfast get me on the trail quickly. I bid farewell to the Philly couple, hike back around the lake. Enjoy a few views of Mt. Sheridan, but mostly forest walking around Heart Lake.
Jump onto the Snake River Trail after the first of multiple fords - this one of Heart River. Apparent reroute takes me away from some fords onto the ridge next to the river. Hike mostly through forest, occasional meadows. Some climbing, a few looks down on the river, across to Mount Hancock.
Still several fords, eschewing preparations, crashing through the water and hiking with increasingly wetter socks and boots. Slosh up the canyon, eventually curving toward park boundary. Hike along the river almost like hole to hole on a golf course. Rain, thunder and lightning on and off.
Reach guard station, but the porch (favorite camping spot) full of wood, so after a food break, hike into a rain shower, sign out of Yellowstone, a pleasant surprise in terms of backcountry free of hassles.
Short hike along the edge of Fox Park to guard house with room on the porch and a piped spring. Off with the wet socks, warm up, cook, try futilely to dry boots. Dazed as night falls, moose loose in the park. Update as darkness comes...