Journey Day 369 | CDT Day 32
The Anaconda-Pintlars, Mt. Haggin, the Mule Cabins.
Up early, we're still slow onto the trail. But an easy hike (cut 6.3 miles from campground). Tucklers hike with us to 2.3 miles, then turn back. We continue, gradually climbing up Fleecer Ridge, getting good views of Highlands, Fleecer Mountain and Granulated Mountains. Down to Jerry Creek on same logging road, where we break off to the side, having made good time. Climb again on road, I lag behind, stop but no water at Larspur? Spring, enjoy the sun! Talk with a man getting wood who was born in W.Va., then climb up to Hungry Hill Mine, with first look at the Anacondas, but no more standing mine ruins.
Bushwhack down to Little American Creek, some confusion caused by logging, but Leonard leads us to a road we follow past old cabins all the way to the main road. Leonard and Laurie fall behind, Carl and I hoof ahead, I admire the Anacondas, Mt. Haggin, etc. plus the Mule Cabins.
As we arrive, so do Ed and Liz. We bat around ideas, end up piling in for ride into Anaconda laundromat. Leonard and Laurie get us a cheap room, thanks to the bartender at the Cooper Town Bar/Restaurant/Hotel. Nice room, showers, then dinner at the laundromat as locals give us a varied reception. One lady stares at us as we do laundry, cook on the street, then have communal ice cream in our get-ups. Back to the room, TV, talk, organize and crash.