Journey Day 361 | CDT Day 24
Cattle complicated the hike on this day in 1987.
Up alone from my spot on private land, I pack up and leave my forest hideaway to the lowing of cattle, which I encounter as soon as I hike toward Greenhorn Mountain. They run about as I approach, although once when I turned my back, they seemed to be charging after me.
But soon I was on this mountain's ridge, hiking mostly in pine forest blighted by cuts, until I come to a tricky intersection (which others miss) and hike down to Dog Creek Road.
There I wait, update, walk a bit down the road, then leave a note and trudge down to Uncle George's Creek, a slight trickle along the road I hiked. Several cars pass, I stop one and send message. Enjoy big meal. Eating when the gang shows up. They wait for me to finish, then we hike on.
Climb to the site of Montana's First Masonic Meeting, then opt for road walk over Wolf's bushwhack to Mullen and Priest Pass. Bypass forest, bruising feet on hard road. Confused by private land gate to road up to Priest Pass. But end up with guided trip to trail uphill by the Cozzies, a nice family with friends, dogs and a large goat in their entourage. A long, winding climb eventually brings us to the pass, where I'm exhausted, we all rest as locals have target practice up hill we're to climb.
Rested as well as possible, we hike up apprehensively, find locals taking pictures and resting their weaponry. Another climb ends in meadow - so does the trail. Pick it back up to right at woods' edge and climb to microwave assemblage. Great views to southeast and west, also great winds. I revel until I begin numbing. I join others next to building until we hike down to warmth.
Cut switchbacks on road, get water, find closed side road to serve as camp. Pitch, eat huge meal of blueberry pancakes and chili with noodles and meat. Stuffed and ready for bed, I enter my tent, update and read more as Oddyseus readies himself to whip his wife's wooers.