Journey Day 360 | CDT Day 23
Hiking through a forest cut in Montana in 1987.
Not much of a sunrise. I doze off after awhile. Get up, eat mac and cheese despite lack of water (leaving pan unwashed). Then hike up through forest, a healthy climb.
Along ridge we follow on-again, off-again trail through rocks and patchy pine forest. Some good views as we climb up first along Nevada Mountain, then Black Mountain. Trail again patchy, it's very hot, steep climbing on a water ration.
Take break after Nevada, just shy of high point, then down, up, down, up rocky treads, breeding impatience. Leonard's back pain causes them to take a short break. I head up ridge on more patchy, steep trail, others following. Eventually near summit, but I'm quite tired. Long break in sun, shade, eat and drink last of water before descent to Dora Spring (which could be dry).
Down the hill, the others on ahead, fairly steep, rocky roadway. Eventually at spring, thankfully running in midst of large pasture. Long break, chow raviolinis, chug water after hiking on ration. Very hot, then not, as clouds go in, rain threatens. Long break ends as we head uphill.
4th of July a mellow afternoon walk through forest on jeep road. Several holidayers pass, none stop to offer sustenance or talk. One break, then on, heading for abandoned cabin, spring.
One wrong turn, eventually in vicinity of destination, but never find spring. Leonard suspects campers whom I speak with have concealed it. Very hot and tired, we climb to Divide again near radio towers.
Stop at intersection, rest, ponder, they want to vary from Divide for water. I don't feel it's necessary. Sharp words after biker is of no help. No one understands our unique situation...
Down next road, they go on alternate without me. I shout I'm heading on, we leave meeting to a note. Hike past mine, under powerline, rain threatens, pelts, but never really gets going. I take refuge near boundary/cattleguard and pitch, eat, crash very tired. Almost 20 miles and stress of separation...