Journey Day 352 | CDT Day 15
The late Carl Ownby, with whom I shared a tent through the Bob Marshall Wilderness in 1987.
We're up at 5 a.m. in the coldness of dawn, out of camp and hoofing for Augusta before 6 a.m. Leave Indian Point ranger station behind for forest walk down Sun River Trail. Only quick breaks, dry munching, as energy comes from anxiety for town. Growing adeptness with log crossings, easy downhill grades, make for quick hiking and we make great time. Pass Sierra Clubber from Helena, who's headed into the Bob, and recommend Clack Creek Trail and Gooseberry Park.
Earlier we were passed on a break by two guys on horseback finishing up some time in the backcountry. I'm hoofing after others when I meet man and boy on horseback (The Bob is for horses, Glacier for cars) who suggest horsepackers as ride material. I hoof it on in and Leonard and Laurie and Carl are talking with Kalispell horsepackers, who carry us to Augusta, give us beers. Another great ride!!!
We head for the post office, I get letters and packages, plus tent I'll be carrying after abandoning sharing with Carl. Set up at Wagons West Hotel, ragged and the smallest showers in the world. Nice folks trying to make a go of it. Shower heaven, hectic organizing, then back up the street to laundry and cheeseburger meal. The town is almost deserted, but all is preparation for Rodeo Days, which postmaster calls an "award-winning drunk." Laundry done, it's back to the room for more organization, reading mail, and opening boxes.
Apply snowseal, air gear soiled and fart-tainted by trail use. A hot day down on the floor of the valley. Make call home, read letters. get dollars from trading post. Eat salad for dinner, back to room after more calls, more organizing, sending back too much food. Letters enjoyable. Also read Sunday Post from Jack Mallory, my AT pal. End day reading outside, so others can sleep.