Journey Day 350 | CDT Day 13
We camped beneath the jagged face of the Chinese Wall.
From beneath the jagged face of the Chinese Wall, miles of uninterrupted sheer rock face imprinted with time's changes. I lay under the stars on a still, blue-skied evening and try to recall this day in my CDT life.
It started about 6 a.m., as I forced myself from my bag on a 35 degree morning. Cool (extremely), clear and crisp. I dropped the obnoxious bear bag, got water and prepared ramen and tea for breakfast.
The others follow suit, and we ford sock and insoleless again. On the other side safely, we leave Pentagon Cabin behind (I after a poor night's sleep) and begin our hike. Forest walk leads to another ford. Anxious, I fail in tricky rock hop and hike on with soaker. Leonard did worse, but Laurie and Carl cross shoe and insoleless again - the smart way.
More forest walking and third ford, I hike through with wet (originally clean) socks, change on the other side. More forest hiking up Spotted Bear Creek Valley.
Leave gang behind as they take break, Carl slow on the early, mellow stages of the ascent. I hike up moderate grade with early views to Three Sisters of Montana. More climbing and I'm at the Continental Divide where I check route, begin steep uphill on an open ridge, switchbacking the rounding steep grades with more views of the Sisters, Redneck Peak massif, Arsenic showing to the east, Slatecoat previewed to the south (seen days before with snow).
Upon ridge with viewpoint, marvel at Cliffs and Glacier Peaks in the distance. Higher still, Chinese Wall view with trees now sparse, replaced by alpine flowers and grasses, I see almost 360 degrees to Silvertip Mountain, back to ranges we've just left.
I stop, revel in the environment, fire off many photos. Orienteer to the best of my ability with map and compass. Later see real Lone Butte.
Laurie and Leonard show up, we talk, check out peaks, big deer keeps us captivated - and we her - for about 15 minutes. She runs up ridge when I approach. Carl shows, we move on shortly, down ridge with views of western mountains. Feeling good, Carl's slowness, lack of pep, a real concern. He seems near collapse.
Views of wall just get better as we drop quickly from ridge to foot of the Chinese Wall and walk along a sort of high-meadow alpine setting in its shadow.
Wondrous feeling!!! We opt to camp earlier than planned in awe of scenery, so we put off 15 miles until tomorrow. A slack day planned anyway. Pitch tent which I'll spurn for the stars, cook in good mood after last night's black exhaustion, much due to security of good water - straight off wall, only a short walk away. Sun still on cliff tops, but we're in the shade. An interesting effort leads to a good bear bag despite lack of limb bowed upward or straight typical in this type of evergreen. A game of pigs. Then I set up outside, others to their tents. I update, try to read, then sleep hoping to catch star show, sunrise on the Chinese Wall.