Journey Day 298 | AT Day 121
From Holts Ledges to Smart Mountain.
Up early from the Velvet Rocks shelter. Leave Jack and strange Dartmouth guy apparently living in the shelter. I push down to the water, say goodbye to Boater Bill and hike on with some small ups and downs to a road. Leonard, Jerry and Jack all catch up.
Road walks on private land. We climb to the South Peak of Moose Mountain. The sun’s out and my radio is picking up good tunes. So the other hikers leave me. A family comes up. We watch a storm come up. Then I hike on, picking raspberries in the rain. Descend to road walks. Cross, then back onto a woods road, past a beaver pond and swamp. Steep climb to Holts Ledges where I find my hiking friends. Shoot pictures of the views to Smart Mountain on a long break. Then down to Trapper John Shelter, where we find Fly. I poorly pitch my tent after fitful sleeping in the shelter.