Journey Day 270 | AT Day 93
I awoke this hiker for a talk near Greenwood Lake.
Cold, but I get out of my sleep bag, climb a short distance to the ridge trail without my pack. Hike back down, but can’t find my gear. Start to panic. Finally find gear, pull it together, climb back to trail, a short distance to campsite. Awaken John, a Leever Brothers engineer at a New Jersey plant. We have a long talk, enjoy the nice view and peaceful setting. I push on, lose trail in the park again, pass a horseback rider. Out to the road dragging. Hike up, again lose trail, find it, then hike on two more roads, up to the final ridge of the day. Stop to enjoy the sun, don my radio. Bop to tunes, photograph Greenwood Lake.
Greenwood Lake, New York.
Find the side trail to Roger’s Cottage, where hikers are treated to a meal and lodging. I shower and relax from the hot day, meet his other guests. Nice folks from Queens, a suburb with a population of 2 million. Good conversation, great meal, including pastries. They leave, talk a short time, then head to room and set up for departure in the morning.
Crash to a book by Cindy Ross, an A.T. and P.C.T. hiker. Roger’s been taking in hikers since 1974 at his summer home. He takes in about 100 hikers a year at no charge. A teacher in New York City, Brickner is much traveled.
Roger Brickner in front of a trail mural.