Journey Day 263 | AT Day 86
Ray Moyer, my hiking companion that day in 1986.
Up real slow, slower after a real breakfast courtesy of over-nighters at the shelter. Then Ray Moyer shows up and we talk. I sign the shelter register, hike to the road. Ray meets me and we walk to Gambrinu's for great German food at the Blue Mountain Summit. Ray leaves after beers with Bob Bohn, a retired U.S. Marine Major General who's met all my old trail buddies coming south from Delaware Water Gap. We pig out. Bohn bon voyage.
I'm reading old register entries when Jeanie, the Houghtons show up. More talk, they leave. I finally get hiking again. Easy up, then rocks, rocks, rocks. Get to Bear Rocks, then Bald Oven Knob after a tough climb. I slide down after a quick cloudburst. Then into shelter. A lazy, easy day, but a lot of fun. Sleepy after longest journal entry.
Hikers gathered outside a shelter during the PCT Team Ohio reunion.