Journey Day 256 | AT Day 79
From the White Rocks, I could look down onto the Cumberland Valley.
Awakened at the Ironmasters Mansion hostel by host Bob Rex. I stumble into shower, pack, then out to kitchen for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and Bob’s first cup of coffee. After talk, hike out along the lake, back into the woods. Feeling good, clean socks. Hiking along I meet a Boston cab driver and A.T. veteran. We talk about the trail, then I hike past kids, fathers, away from them. Blow by Tagg Run Shelters, cross roads, pass on Moyers Campground, climb up to Whiskey Spring next to a road. Then up across a logged area, gypsy moths abounding. Cross Rocky Ridge, a viewless struggle, then White Rocks with a look into the Cumberland Valley. It’s like I’m up in the clouds. Meet a runner. We walk to Campbell Springs Shelter. I contemplate a night roadwalk through the valley. But find John Boone, who I met at the Bear Den Rocks hostel, Mike Repar, another hiker named Jerry and three guys out hiking. We all b.s., crash.