Journey Day 203 | AT Day 26
A snowstorm pushed us off the trail …
Leave Tucker packing and push quickly up to Curly Maple Shelter, spend time writing in the register. Push on cold, cold windy ridges as weather worsens up to the Beauty Spot, a windblown bald with snow scenes. Freezing, I hike on up Unaka, breaking after the climb. Deep snows on the bald and Unaka, though nice hiking when the cold is tolerable. Megahiker and Tucker catch up. We push on to Cherry Gap Shelter, where we all break. Tucker and I longer, our friend walks on in a growing blizzard. Last miles to road. Walking down road when older man gives us a ride to the store. Call Mark Levin, camp manager, who picks us up. Find Bosun, Trix, Rockin’ Rex there, down out of the bad weather. Munch burgers, call home. Secure, breezy cabin.
Settle for the night, update journal, Crash.
…and into a rough cabin with other hikers.