Journey Day 182 | AT Day 5
We befriended Bosun and Dave Blair as we hiked past Tray Mountain, Georgia.
David Blair, (an ex-Marine who I later got to know when he moved near my relatives in Vermont) and a hiker known as Bosun, pass us as we get up. Eat a little, hike on. Push to Unicoi Gap for break. Then to Chatahoochee Gap for next break. Very tired, few views, mistier and cloudy.
Downhills take over as nemesis. Pack pops out on one. Pushing for Tray Mountain, meet group of BGSU students, including some pretty co-eds. Energized, I push on, pass elderly Tampa couple, wife with a bad foot. Final push to Tray, another rocky crag. Dizzy downhill. Drop pack, get water. Jack shows up. Eat, update, as darkness hits. Five hikers in the shelter, David, Bosun and two from MSU(including Eric Gallandt), so Jack and I camp out down the trail.