Journey Day 129 | PCT Day 129
Mt. Thielsen from the Pacific Crest Trail in 1985.
Up in semi-darkness, I eat three p.b. and j’s, finishing up that stuff. Water up. Hike Rim Road. Last views of Crater Lake. I regret leaving its wondrous presence.
But hike around, off onto another road under construction. Hike up ridge to pass backed-up traffic just as they’re released.
Meet bikers on road. Hike to junction, hike through woods back on PCT to background of road construction. Hike forest-desert to park boundary. Break, then on across 138, ending Section C in the guidebook.
Cross on road after break. Then up ridge near Mt. Thielsen, 2,000 feet in five miles. The climb seems long and I’m low on water. Meet father-daughter coming down. Finally see this great volcanic peak. Amazing rock design of what’s left of volcano.
Long ridge walk below peak, sign of Diamond Lake, a resort I passed by. Finally hit trail junction with trail leading steeply up to pinnacles.
Pass, down ridge, switchback down to Thielsen Creek, welcome after a long, waterless hike. But pass for nearby creekside camp. Looking for spot when three section hikers, including Dan Smith, call me over to their site. Share meal, talk ‘til darkness. Raise tent. Eat more, crash.