Journey Day 128 | PCT Day 128
Sunrise over the caldera encircling Crater Lake.
Up, I write Mom’s letter as the sun comes up. Head down to the visitor’s center. Can’t take tour boat in lake, no way to the launch for pedestrians.
Hike down to breakfast at the lodge. Write, get a good omelet just as the place closes. Pretty ranger and I talk at Memorial Overlook. Toronto couple clue me in on Canadian Rockies, Vancouver, give me fruit.
Head over, ditch pack, then hike up Garfield Peak, along the lake’s edge.
Talk with several families, write cards on the peak. Ranger at the visitor’s center calls to check on packages that didn’t arrive. At least she was trying to be helpful. Several seem restrained by roles, rules. I am restrained by park’s design, for cars, not people.
Hit store again, call about traveler’s checks, but time difference fools me again. Munch, talk as I write a query to National Geographic. Send it off, then spend last change on candy bars.
Head out to spring. Up rim trail. It dies out. Hike to road for about a mile. Hit trail. Off to spring site, where I update, wash socks.