Journey Day 119 | PCT Day 119
I celebrated at the California-Oregon border.
Up, heated breakfast. Good mood, energetic start gets me to Mud Springs Road. Nice woods, looking forward to Oregon, Callahan’s restaurant, meeting with J.L., Crater Lake, Canada, etc.
Lose trail near Bearground Spring, find it, spring quickly after a short bushwhack. Water near cows, but don’t treat. Carry on, looking forward to break at border. Forested descent drops to logging road where trail dies. Unlike guidebook narrative. But climb up wrong way on road to sounds of saws felling giant trees. My nerves start to tingle, I realize I’m going the wrong way. Back down, search, take road toward logging.
Find rerouted trail Ruben Contreras of the U.S. Forest Service told me about. I begin up it as my anger rises at nature rape underway in my midst. Tears, dust from logging truck burn my eyes on climb up reroute on logging road.
Then onto temporary trail, back to trail. Anger subsides, I come out on Southern Pacific land near Donomore Creek. Logging underway above. Cattle shit and eat in meadow. Pass cows. One barely moves.
Sounds of logging, logged environs usher me into Oregon. After 1,600 miles, a small sign in a logged forest notes my accomplishment. Shoot photos despite lack of ambiance, find Keith’s note, bottle.
From shaded spot above I make rum punch, weenie dick stew.
Of 1,600 mile barrier: I knew not what I was in for, a weekend camper walking off the border overweight, over-equipped and unprepared. Somehow through the adversities, physical setbacks and tests, I’ve survived.
What’s more, I’ve enjoyed the trip, good and bad. I’ve grown in self confidence and had valuable time to think. Still many questions are unanswered, but I feel more prepared to live life fully. And 1,000 miles ahead should unlock more doors.
From break spot, hike across road to ridge. Forested, but cows grazing. Still baby deer hops below, then above my trail. She’s spotted and apparently used to cattle, hikers in her midst.
Across to ridges. Drop down near Sheep Camp Spring. Wonderful agua rushing from pipe. I fill to capacity. Hike on towards Wrangle Gap. But pass it for outside camp spot. Note: Amazing when shelter, conveniences of no interest.
Walk around Red Mountain ridge. Find great spot in rocks. Put it down early. Fix dinner, even read a little of the wonders ahead. Darkness puts me to sleep.