Journey Day 118 | PCT Day 118
Soiled shoulders showed the rigors, offset by the sighting of Mt. Shasta.
Up with the sun, cold breakfast. More climbing, then down below Kangaroo Peak. Hike ridge over to Cook and Green Pass.
Dozing on break when two rangers show up. We talk logging, etc. They show me nearby spring the guidebook omitted. Drink welcome water. Deer prowling campsite, seem undaunted by me or rangers.
Eat, update, put off more hiking. Time to go. From pass, climb up. It’s hot, I’m mellow. I end up attempting to crash, but flies, awake concerns shorten this break attempt.
Alternate between forest, cleared meadows, saddles. Strange rocky, bare areas set off forested jaunts. Possibly old clearcuts or actually barren? Views include obvious clearcuts, Shasta, other mountains.
Hike with one short break to Reeves Ranch area. Good thing. Springs hard to find and of questionable quality.
After long, worrisome search, back and cooking as darkness comes. Big meal, then off to crashland.