Journey Day 336 | AT Day 159
Sir Bobalot fording Penobscot River.
Up early. Eat giant breakfast of eggs and corned beef hash, coffee, etc. Our neighbor has coffee for us first thing. I shave off my final trail beard, I buy more food, hike out feeling bad. Hike into Baxter State Park after a break at the Penobscot River. See Sir Bobalot, an early A.T acquaintance, and his girlfriend Jennifer at the island crossing. Ford the river for historic meeting with Michael P. Jones. On to Big Niagara Falls for lunch, then onto Daicey Pond where there are more amazing views of Katahdin.
Taking a break at Daicey Pond.
Then I hike on around to Elbo Pond for more views of the mountain at the end of the trail. Hike a road to the Katahdin Stream Campground. Hang out at the ranger station with no ranger, but other hikers are enterprising after the shuttle. Fox and Dove return, drained from the climb of Katahdin. Hike over to the shelter, paranoid, and eat, while waiting for the ranger to show up. Dark hits as I update my journal.
Big Niagara Falls.