Journey Day 80 | PCT Day 80
Sunset near Sonora Pass.
Up from spot in rocks below Sonora Pass, I munch down breakfast and break camp as the sun hits the ridge. Hike down to Carson River ford, dropping below 10,000 feet for good. Then climb up river’s canyon wall. The trail down is roughly marked, wet. Trail as stream, trail as bog.
Upward trail better, but steep. Take lunch at spot past Boulder Creek. Forested spot recommended by a couple I met, the first humans I encountered since going solo yesterday.
Smoke prohibits many views. Walk on up and down, admiring peaks and rocks. Fragrance of blooming flowers adds to the feeling! Not feeling too good or possibly fatigued I climb down past signs and head off on the wrong trail. Stopping when I question my direction. Carson City draftsman/machine shop worker shows up and confuses me. I think he’s seeking the PCT like me, but he’s not. A white diamond falsely reassures me. We hike this trail down into a canyon. Along the way I realize the error, too late.
At base of the trail, a junction, I leave my partner for ”old, steep Asa Lake trail” After a tough ford on a log up the creek, I find the trail and begin climb along Elder Creek. Much sweating, cursing, several fords later, I’m over Wolf Creek Pass.
Find PCT, Oh how I missed you! and finish hike to the lake bushed by about 24 miles of hiking. Stumble to my campsite, past many 4th of July weekenders, couples, young families, etc. Get water from a spring feeding the lake. Eat, crash burnt from big day topped with one mistake. My first full day alone!