Journey Day 513 | CDT Day 176
I enjoyed views toward the Cookes Range from the Mimbres Valley.
After a huevos rancheros breakfast and tales of a woman's birthday hike with gun and knife on her belt, I hike down the Mimbres Valley on pavement. Sun soon comes out and I'm glad to hit the post office, so I can mail back unnecessary items, letters, then leave the friendly post office, hiking on down the river valley.
Good views toward Cookes Peak. The river's close, but out of view. Mile markers tell of progress to intersection, where I hit La Cantina, drink a pop, then push on pavement still, hike past confusing intersection, then on down the highway. No access to the river, and no one home when I go for water in San Juan, no more than a few houses grouped together. Hike past more farms, orchards, along river the entire way.
Shadowed structures and the Cookes Range, to which I returned.
Faywood post office is a closed store, on out of town of Dwyer-Faywood?. Then out of town, spot stock tank, slide under fence, pitch as vehicles whiz by. A few note my spot, but no problems. Pitch, cook with tank water, munch and crash. Muddy boots from tank end a clean day dirty.