Journey Day 507 | CDT Day 170
Snow was a factor as I found my way south toward the border in 1987.
December starts with a hike to the end of a road, snow a factor, but I find the trail. Up ridge, snow deepens, trail illegible. I follow blue ribbons I later learn are for lumber inventory. Badly lost, confused, I realize I should be hiking to a lookout on Bearwallow Mountain, but no lookout is visible. Roads all die out. See two deer.
Decide to climb to high point of ridge I'm on, hit road, decide to break after a sweaty ordeal of a bushwhack in deep snow on steep ridges. Meet Len Schuffman, a ranger, out hanging ribbons for a timber sale, as I reconnoiter while boiling snow. He shows me the great error in my ways. He joins me for lunch, which I'll enjoy, relieved by my latest savior.
He shares orange, info on the area. A Michigan Tech grad, he loves his job of solitude, knows the Carrejos, saw Roofists on 141. We talk about firefighting, Michigan spots, my hike. He also provides tree explanations.
He also advises me to stay on roads, snows could come at any time. I am likely to agree, as it is the last month of the year. I enjoy his company, he mine. But I must venture on.
Down the road I'd passed the night before, slippery ice alternates with snow and patches of dirt road. Fall once, slide much, but glad to be descending.
Hit several intersections, finally at main gravel Rd. 28. Hike down to an intersection with 143 to Snow Lake, one vehicle passes as I finish bread with p.b. and j. Push on tired to intersection, down a mile or so, camp in Ponderosas beside the road, boil snow, eat, read and crash.