Journey Day 500 | CDT Day 163
I enjoyed a big park atop Slaughter Mesa.
Up freezing, but it's soon sunny. I enjoy big park atop Slaughter Mesa. But 93 becomes too busy, so I hike down canyon road, trail, into private land, down canyon. Meet hunters in nice canyon. We talk, they give me my capacity in water. So I push on. Sunny, nice views near where I met the hunters. Accidentally back to 93, bushwhack over to jeep road past windmill I immortalize on film, then past Gallo Lake, a duck pond, shallow at that.
Into another canyon. Map doesn't match landmarks. Confused, I take a road uphill hoping it's the trail on the map. It dies up high. I spot a dam and hike down, spotting deer that check me out while I pitch. A tough job with the hard surface. Rigged, I cook, crash, a bit lost.